This site contains the writing of an atheist — a man I no longer am.
Here is why that matters.
Why did I take down my writing?
It took me nine years to even consider re-uploading my writing. I have done so only because it is accurate to accurately portray what the inside of an atheist's mind looks like, the logical errors such thinking contains, and the line between philosophical passion and confusion.
I was very close to understanding reality: I simply had it completely wrong.
The answer was not that nothing mattered. It was that everything mattered.
The answer was not that there was no God, and that we were therefore free to create meaning as we see fit: it was to understand that meaning is inherent in all things, and the source of all things is God.
Do I still write?
I wrote a novel — my fifth — entitled Fable, which presents part of the change in thinking. You can get a copy of Fable here. More is to come.
Why upload the writing?
The point of this website in particular is to restore to its original domain the writing which saved lives: people who wrote to me, having read the words found on this site, telling me I had helped them through depression and avoid suicide.
This remains the greatest good: helping others. Now, it is time for this work to be seen in the correct light: as the mistaken prelude to the truth. So, please, when you read this work, remember: atheism leads nowhere. The only place it can ever lead is to its negation — and through it, the truth.
From here, you can view my portfolio, read the disclaimer,
learn about my latest book, Fable,
or go back to the top of the page.
While I no longer stand by the work itself, the themes remain relevant: the meaning of life, finding purpose,
exitalism, philosophical depression, nihilism, and the eessential questions of existence.
I was, and remain, open
to discussion and to advice.
You can contact me here.